Giving back to the special place that has given them so much.
Our Counselors in training are oart camper but also at the age where they are beginning to develop real counseling skills while also learning to appreciate the importance of giving back to their community through social good.
The Counselor In Training (CIT) Program is geared to offer campers a fantastic camp experience, while also helping them transition into the role they’ve admired for years—a true camp counselor. CITs get a chance to give back to their camp, while also leading efforts in fundraising for charities like Projet Morry & SCOPE. During this summer they have a focus on working on positive impact projects in their communities. At IHC we are passionate about giving back and our CIT's help lead the way.
The Counselors in training also spend spend their days in serious discussion about day-to-day camp responsibilities, and receive leadership training throughout the summer. They get to test their training first-hand as they spearhead two major camp-wide special events—SING and Olympics.
The transition from camper to counselor can often be difficult. As some of our campers have said, “It is tough to work somewhere that has always been a great place to play”. In light of this and Camp IHC’s commitment to bridging the years between being a camper and a responsible counselor, the CIT Program provides one of the critical building blocks towards successfully making this transition.